Premiere Performance of New Piece
New Quartet For Guzheng, Erhu, Dizi and Piano

The moment of sudden realisation. Whether they are concerts, seminars or workshops of several days, in all my events I strive to offer fresh experience through new perspectives and methods.
This wonderful piece, to which I was allowed to contribute two arrangements for music box, tells about the life of two people on the run: the philosopher Walter Benjamin and the resistance fighter Lisa Fittko. At a time when there was little security, they - like many others - became "sans papiers", people without papers. The production tells of life in exile, of solidarity and resistance and the courage of those who dare to face injustice.
After the Schaubühne Berlin, the production can now also be seen at the Wildwechsel Theater Festival.
MoreOn behalf of the Bucerius law school Hamburg, I founded the Bucerius Ensemble as a conductor together with committed students and the director of the Studium generale. With many alternative approaches, we succeeded in doing this despite the pandemic! So we were finally able to hold our first real rehearsal with pieces and arrangements I specially wrote.
MoreOn behalf of the artist Marie-Eve Levasseur, I'm creating a polyphonic vocal piece for her installation of her virtual work, which explores the female role in brewing processes.
MoreIt was a great pleasure for me, together with the wonderful organisers of InterCultur Hamburg and the instrument makers of KOLLEGEN2KOMMA3, to guide young people to the composing of their own piece and to accompany the performance.
MoreTo celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Bosch foundation I am invited to give a speech about my work during my stay on the special island called Amoy.
MoreIt was a great pleasure for me to watch the impressive conductor Gabriella Thész and Craig Denison working with some outstanding Chinese children's choirs and to ensure a smooth understanding.
MoreInspired by a text of a seven year old girl, this new work embarks on a snowflake's journey with an unforeseen ending. The work was commissioned by the German composer's association.
MorePerformance of my new piece, that was comissioned by the DTKV.
This new piece is commissioned by the society of musicians Germany.
At the invitation of the People's Republic of China, I will attend the prestigious meeting of translators and publishers in Beijing and share my findings in the translation of Liu Sola's novella.
MoreBy a commission of the German Asociation of Musicians my new quintet will be performed by the Berlin modern art ensemble together with Olivier Messians masterpiece "Quatuor pour la fin du temps".
MoreFor the first time the magnificent chamber choir from Leipzig performs in the cathedral of Magdeburg. This new a cappella piece, which I composed during my stay in the Cité des Arts Paris, has thereby found its ideal cast: sublime and cultured choir sound meeting the extrodinary acustics of Germanies first gothic cathedral.
MoreFrom10 a.m. to 9 p.m. I'm part of the market called "Kulturenfest" in the heart of Neukölln and happy to let you have a try in Chinese Calligraphy or ask me ANY question regarding China & music.
MoreA forum for alumni of the Robert-Bosch-foundation programmes to discuss social interpreneurship, freelancing and cultural industries.
MoreTogether with Corina Nastoll at the flute, we'll accompany the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the sinology in Wurzburg.
MoreThis intricate piece merges Chinese awareness for timbre and melody with the rhythmic precision of funk. In that juxtaposition it is singular and a much desired addition to the repertoire. The music showcases the full capabilities of the instruments and their players. In an entertaining way it adds a new perspective on how the Chinese and Western elements can be combined successfully.
MoreTogether with the guys of dandelion & burdock, premiere of a new projection showcase.
MoreDuring the farewell ceremony for lecturers of the Bosch foundation, I play two pieces for piano solo with special references to China and saying goodbye.
MoreThis intricate piece merges Chinese awareness for timbre and melody with the rhythmic precision of funk. In that juxtaposition it is singular and a much desired addition to the repertoire. The music showcases the full capabilities of the instruments and their players. In an entertaining way it adds a new perspective on how the Chinese and Western elements can be combined successfully. The premiere at Xiamen University is supported by the Swiss Consulate and the Robert Bosch Foundation.
MoreThis course is designed to train general knowledge about Germany via basic types and styles of German music. Through analysing its masterpieces and related texts, students will gain an initial understanding of German high arts and culture and will have the opportunity to practice the use of special art related vocabulary in order enhance their skill to reason about this topic. Not only will their command of German increase but their horizon regarding German culture will be widened as well, enabling students to identify major streams of German art and understand their impact on literature, philosophy , aesthetics and related aspects.
MoreDuring the spring academy of the Bosch foundation a broad introduction into Chinese characters, their use, writing and appreciation.
MoreRaw electonic piece “Aggregate” for a projection showcase by dandelion & burdock at the New York festival of lights.
MoreIn cooperation with the Far East University of Vladivostok and funds provided by the Bosch foundation a 5-day seminar with a variety of programmes on intercultural communication is held at the Northeastern University in Shenyang.
MoreThe Austrian pianist David Six plays an arrangement for solo piano of the ensemble piece "forward". The performance includes an outreach programm provided by students of the university of Xiamen.
MoreThe Goethe Institut offers a variety of special programmes within the German-Chinese year of learnig languages 2013/2014 by sending a bus through China, this bus is called „Lai deyu ba – Hier kommt Deutsch“.
MoreBy invitation of the German consulat in China Haydar Zorlu performs Faust I and holds a workshop on acting.
MoreIntroduction how to translate Chinese poems and lyrics into German especially with regard to music.
MoreDuring the spring academy of theBosch foundation a broad introduction into Chinese characters, their use, writing and appreciation.
MorePremier performance of my new and delicate piece for chamber choir in one of Magdeburg's finest concert hall.
MorePremier performance of the new piece “A5z-7y” for orchestra commissioned by the society of musicians of Saxony-Anhalt
MoreBy invitation of the Confucius Institute Hamburg, performance of the duo “Migratory Journey I” for Chinese lute and cello.
MoreA very special Frankonian piece commissioned by the Bavarian broadcast service for its series "Young Philharmonics".
MoreA concert that explores and presents my compositional research into the playing techniques of the Chinese lute (pipa) in combination with classical Western instruments. The concert will be followed by a master class on playing techniques and the background to the pipa with the interpreter Yu Lingling and me as sinologist and interpreter.
MoreMy first orchestral work "Imbiss" was premiered as part of the Young Composers Orchestra Workshop of the State Music Committee in Halberstadt, Saxony-Anhalt. The premiere was also recorded by Central Deutsche Radio and broadcast on television.
MoreFirst public performance of a an own piece.